Mao Lin Liao
Mao Lin Liao, Founder, REBLIKA.
Mao Lin Liao is a self-motivated, ambitious, and performance-focused entrepreneur and founder of REBLIKA-The Character Company, with a vision " to become world's No 1 Charactercompany and crossing the uncanny valley by 2025."REBLIKA is all about a unique experience.
It is an image-changing concept focused on providing avatar and 3d scanning services to deliver unique and the best-in-class Digital humans. It is a perfect combination of superior service quality, and 20+ years of experience.
Today REBLIKA has clients all around the world from fashion, film, and tech companies. Mao's work for Terre des Hommes' Sweetie campaign has been rewarded with twelve golden lions and the Grand Prix for Good at the Cannes Lions International Festival for Creativity, the equivalent of the Oscars for the communication industry.
In 2022 Mao founded REBLIUM Web3 native, Digital Body Software company, providing radically diverse tools to create your own Digital Identity for the metaverse and beyond.